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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Open Mesh

Finished another dish cloth. This pattern is a mesh that I found on Lion Brand's website. I used scraps from my stash. All I have left now (in kitchen cotton at least LOL) is white yarn  :-)

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Off the sticks!

edited on May 25, 2010:

So idyllic -- fruit, bread, flowers, and a hand knitted dish cloth. I'm submitting this top photo in Sweet Shot Tuesday. Join in!
Sweet Shot Day

I worked this one pretty fast! That also means that I've spent a loooooooot of time in front of the tube.
The pattern is Open Star. Yes, I know it's sideways. Just turn your head.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

On the Sticks

My 16yo (yikes, that's old!) noticed this phrase at the end of the dishcloth pattern I'm working on. It does make you laugh. The photo shows the 'wrong' side of a pattern called Open Star.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Off the sticks!

Don't look too close or you'll see a couple mistakes. That happens when I knit these over three or four very spread out knitting sessions. King Charles Brocade pattern.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Group Therapy

I am a big fan of group crafting. With many years of lone ranger crafting, I have really come to enjoy having company. Some people never had issues with groups. I have seen groups as risky -- I might reveal something or hear something that I wished I hadn't. But I like the camaraderie now. Maybe I've loosened up. Maybe I figured out how to be there without talking. I have no idea.

Progress check: the prayer shawl is now bicolor. I will probably quit when I run out yarn. I must save some yarn for fringe.

The quilt has not been stitched upon since I bought the new thread (two days ago). I finished stitching in the ditch for all the "vertical legs" that go around the individual blocks. Yeah, that reads clear as mud. I guess I'm saying that I have half the quilting finished. Next step will be to stitch the horizontal legs. Step after that will be to choose one shape near the center, the interior of the block. Shouldn't take too long.

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Running again

Currently on the sticks: a prayer shawl and a King Charles Brocade pattern dishcloth.

I ran out of thread for the crazy wonky house quilt this week. Just bought a new spool yesterday on the way home from Prairie City. It is a fantastic match to the backing fabric that I'm using.

Since my 5k run in late March, I've fallen off the fitness wagon, just as I feared. I did really well at exercising for a month, then busy spring family stuff came into my life. It happens every year. Ball games, track meets, extra-long gym classes, recitals, etc. Every year is different, yet always busy in May. What I know: Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday are great days for me to schedule a work out.

Enter group fitness. I am always needing something new (new place, new class, new dvd, etc.), and through my email groups, I've discovered two groups to work out with -- a running group and a boot camp group. Both have no cost to participate and have an education component. I had the running club on my to-do list for the entire month of April, but didn't go until I heard they were giving out free socks last week. That's the incentive I needed! I liked it. And I liked the boot camp. Then my SIL told me about Sierra Club group hikes. Nice idea. Another group hike I've desired in the past meets during our regular mass time, so I've never attended. Maybe Sierra Club gets reviews as fantastic as the Washburn hikes that I've read about (for years).

So here's the dilemma: On Mondays, do I attend the fitness group or do I attend the knitting group? Mr. TellBlast thinks I ought to run with the group, then show up to knitting club late. On Tuesdays, I'll have to decide if I'll group hike with the kids (Sierra club) or attend boot camp (potentially with dh and kids). Both are held at the same time. I think the location of the hike will be the deciding factor. I'll call it cross-training.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Crazy Wonky Houses Quilt -- closer to done!

My progress:

I am halfway done with connecting all the blocks. I have *just* enough fabric to go in between the rows. The stripes will be oriented opposite of the sashing, and I'm OK with that.

Connecting the blocks into rows goes really fast. I'm pretty excited to say that a baby presented itself to me this winter. His baptism is this weekend, so I may be able to give this quilt to him on Sunday.

I also ripped out the blue Homespun prayer shawl that I started an embarrassingly long time ago. It was much too wide. I reworked it to fit on the needles better. Substituting R.E. with family movie night and watching Liberty's Kids for history every day means that we've a LOT of TV. So I've gotten this skein of yarn almost completely worked into a shawl. I'll need to get more by next Prayer Shawl meeting.

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