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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pumpkin Crafting

During our annual Beggars' Night candy giveaway, we had praises for the kids' pumpkins. I think the kids' pumpkins always look good, but never knew that any strangers agreed. We several people comment on them tonight.

Des Moines' Trick or Treat night, Beggars' Night, is a fun time. Since I grew up in the area, I thought everyone had to tell jokes before getting their candy. After discussing this practice on a homeschool email loop (can't remember which one), I learned that it is not custom for most places. The Des Moines Register, the daily newspaper here, ran a story on it today. I'll put some of it here; the entire article can be found here.

Jokes set local Halloween apart

October 30, 2007


Monday, October 29, 2007

The sweater

I figured out the sleeves, so here are two pictures! I will say that I like to stick to small items for kids because of cost and time constraints. I do not like being stuck in boring stockinette land (or garter stitch land) for very long. My time is more valuable than that right now. I need changes -- cables (very in right now), ribbing, and increases and decreases for shaping. The top photo shows the yarn, Lion Homespun. My older son chose the color. You will also see the front and back (my first three needle bind-off) and one and a half sleeves.

This will be a hooded sweater a la Lion Brand. I've been upset with my nearest local yarn store (LYS), so I've jumped to Hancock Fabrics for yarn and patterns. I don't love Hancock enough to give it a hyperlink, though. Anymore, it feels like a KMart. Ick. Who made that decision? I give it a thumbs down.

I will probaby stop acting like a spoiled brat and drive a couple extra miles to the next nearest LYS next time I need supplies. Like this week. My oldest daughter has been waiting and waiting for me to get her started on an adaptation of fetching -- but I can't spare her the circular row counter that I'll be using for a couple more projects. You may remember my version of fetching, and my younger daughter's version of fetching. We'll be one fetching group of girls! I feel a group photo in our future.

I will probably get some crafty kids' photos up later this week -- pumpkin carving! They look might kick-ass this evening on our porch.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

knitting on the road

OK, I have not taken the photo. Why? Because I am so confused about the instructions for the sleeves that I may not finish the sweater, and I really do NOT want to show the world an intentionally UnFinished Object. If I get the directions figured out, and decide that I will finish the project, then I will show everyone. Pray for me!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Road trip

We attended a reunion today. I like road trips because they give me time to knit on those bigger projects. I'll get a photo up in a day or two.


Friday, October 5, 2007

cuties, part 2

We have renewed the Cute Book. My younger son has made a modified lizard cutie. My older daughter started but did not finish her cutie. My older son has barely had time to hold the book, but wants to make a cutie. The younger two have made felt and LEGO accessories for their cuties. My younger daughter would like to own the book, or at least copy almost everything in it for future reference.

In other news, Ella lost her first tooth this morning. She has left a note for the tooth fairy to leave a signature tonight.


Monday, October 1, 2007


Here are two of the three "cuties" completed this weekend. My youngest child brought home a library book, _The Cute Book_ by Aranzi Aronzo and picked out the cutest mascots to make. Since they are so small, under 3", the materials cost very little and the time commitment is low. Under $1 and under one hour. We had most of the materials here because my grandma gifted us with her leftover craft items a couple years ago when she and Grandpa sold their place in Texas. Love that. My daughters also made a monkey cutie for their cousin's second birthday. It was very cute as well.

By the way, my bartered item, an antique Japanese Hinamatsuri Girls Day doll set, is still available at -- check it out. I'm sure you can find something bigger and better to trade for at your house.
