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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fingerless Gloves

I took a break and decided to make a quick project. Actually, my youngest implored with all her might to have a pair of fingerless gloves and I caved. I've been wearing mine to ball games and in the car when I'm driving in chilly weather. It's still September, so full gloves and jackets seem like overkill. So I use a sweatshirt or sweater, maybe a hat, and my fingerless gloves.

I modeled her gloves after mine. Leftover Rowan All-Season cotton. (I still have some left.) Size 6 needles. Fetching was the original pattern. She is very proud of them, wearing them to Red Rock for a day (the largest lake in Iowa!). After the sun came out and the temps increased, she kept them on. She thinks they are cool and make her look stylish. She definitely has a style all her own.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Rain barrel, part 2

It works!!! We still need to assemble our second rain barrel. We did not use the equations to estimate the amount rainfall that we could harvest from the family room roof, so we were very interested last week to have our first rain fall with the barrel. We had moderate to heavy rain, a total of 4" fall, filling the barrel in 1.5 hours. We had the hose open (not saving water) during the storm as we hadn't put the overflow hose in yet. Today, we had light to moderate rain and it took most of the day to fill. And it still smells like Coca-Cola.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dish washing

The dish cloths are wonderful! I'm not looking for extra items to clean, but I am loving the feel of the knitted dish cloths. They are thick and nubby. Open Star 2 is shown here in Peaches and Cream yarn. I am currently trying to use the remainder of this yarn to make Triangles. I started working while overseeing the children's schoolwork and get messed up, so "G" and I ripped it apart. I have started over. I'm on row 2. OK, I'm lying. I haven't cast on. But I will. It's fairly fast, and without kids, I ought to be able to pay attention!


All right, it is the next day, and I am unable to make Triangles. The third triangle is not ending up in the right place. I have tried three times, so I am now moving on to the fan patterned dishcloth that came on the Sugar and Cream wrapper. The colors of this yarn are so nice and bright and cheery that I get an inner smile when I see them.


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Big crafting

This afternoon, my husband and I spent a couple hours working on a BIG craft -- a rain barrel. My father-in-law somehow remembered that I wanted a rain barrel, and gave me an article from his farming magazine about rainwater harvesting. I have wanted a rain barrel since we moved here in 1999. The garden centers always had some for sale, for approximately $100. They never went on clearance and I was quite discouraged. I gave up hope of ever having one.

I was quite inspired by the magazine article. I followed the links given in the article, found one with instructions for a rain barrel, showed it to my husband, and after a month or so, we now have our own rain barrel. Our cost was $14, including the barrel and hardware.

We had two main concerns going in to the project. One was connecting the current downspout to the barrel. The downspout we chose to use already had pipes and elbows appropriate to what we needed. We just rearranged them. Definitely easier as a two person job. We didn't know this would be the case until we started the project with the barrel in place. The other concern was having a no-leak connection from the barrel to the garden hose. After strolling around the hardware store, we found a good solution for about 30 cents.

In typical McGuire fashion, we had to abandon the instructions while browsing the store. We left the instructions at home and used them as a guide for idiots who can only follow instructions and cannot think for themselves. It also meant that we spent $5 less than what was called for. So, ha! to all the followers of the world, and yay! to the leaders. We also went "shopping" (for free) and borrowing in my father-in-law's garage for a couple things, mainly drill bits and corrugated pipe. This, like the required instruction-chucking, is a McGuire family tradition. Had we not have been able to get the pipe, and the PVC pipe that we already had in our own garage, I probably would have been able to request and gotten some via freecycle.

Now if it would just rain. I may see if I can get Josh from Team GamSci to make a video of the next rain barrel construction and put it on YouTube.