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Friday, September 25, 2009

crafting interrupted

current crafts got pushed to the wayside as more urgent crafting came. as in, a birthday.

I was working on a really cool  project,"G" of GAIN's jeans quilt. He finally got all the ties finished, and I was trimming the batting. Then I realized that the quilt can wait. What's another month? LOL We have a birthday next weekend, and this weekend is super-busy. So I gotta make a gift now. Looking over all of my crap fabric stash, a call to the birthday boy's mom, and consulting our inventory of floor models, an apron was made. The progression --

'traced' with a pair of shears. why don't we ever say 'scissors' when we sew?

hemmed, bias tape in place, pockets sewn down

finished with straps. This is probably a one hour project, but of course, it had to take longer in my house. Why? We needed a new iron. Call me picky, but I cannot sew without an iron. We got our iron as a wedding gift, and I think the thermal stress and mechanical stress of being dropped and knocked over took its toll yesterday. It still works. Some times. I might turn it on and have no heat. Then two minutes later I'll try again and have steam galore. Enough was enough. I felt that I could spend $15 and have it last over another 16 years. That's less than $1/year. (There are $60 irons out there!) Here is the new iron. It heats every time I turn it on. :-)

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Crafting last week

We've done a lot of crafting this week. I'll show you this one first. Zamozo really got me aware of getting the kids' permission before posting their photos here, and I have to say that it has been a very positive move. She is so attuned to "kid thinking."

So we have this book about pioneer days and created a sturdier apron than the book from an old bedsheet. I saved it because I always thought it would make a nice trim to something. Anyway, it gets worn daily now. It went to Living History Farms, too. (Thanks, Dad and Anita.)

I also spent some time knitting. Getting weekly knitting notes from Lion Brand Yarn supplied a leaf pattern. My camera phone and dim lighting are not a good mix. Sorry. I thought I'd try to make a long necklace. Long has been fashionable for quite a while now, and I haven't anything really snazzy, so I made this. "I" told me that I could be the Autumn Fairy when I wear it. I wore it to church. We want to see more leaves on it. It will be more scarf-like then, and that's OK. More leaves should be a good move.

We also had Renaissance Day. The kids each made a 'stained glass' pendant. You can see my child wearing hers in the apron photo. It's a cross, which would be very period. Colored on both sides, it's very vibrant with the sunshine.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Crafting this week

Notable crafting this week follows. I have no control over the picture orientation -- they rotate on their own.

"I" of GAIN Academy's first venture with the "big" sewing machine -- a baby hat. Go, girl! It's modeled on a handy ceramic Garrrigan figure. (We think it's supposed to be high school aged Uncle Andy. We are giving it to him on Monday.)

I used another T-shirt (how did I get so many?) to make a bib. This goes along with the checkerboard bib that I began the night before. Construction is much faster when the fabric is all ready to go :-)

Tomato sauce and grape jelly. Verdict: I'll probably never can tomato sauce again. Freezing tomatoes and making the sauce the day I need it is more efficient with my time. Grape jelly? YES, I would make this again. Less labor than elderberries, flavor is much better (awesomely tangy!), very easy to make with little time at the stove.

Finally, I made a drying rack for dehydrating food today. I made a cardboard box dehydrator and it is hard to use -- cumbersome to move, awkward to put into position, little area for food (I was using soda can cases), just not working for me. I found a wooden frame of some sort in the basement. It must have been in the basement when we moved in. I cleaned it off, reinforced with string, and stapled fiberglass mesh (window screen) to it. I had apples on it this afternoon. I'm thinking two more days and I should be able to decide if it's working for me or not.

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Friday, September 11, 2009

New FO's

FO. That's crafter blogger talk for "Finished Object." Have I use that term here? I remember taking forever to figure out what FO meant on all the craft blogs.

Our current FO's were inspired by BIL's expected arrival this Friday morning. "I" of GAIN's first machine sewn project -- a baby hat. I found this place, and had "I" try it. The pedal for the sewing machine works better on top of a thick phone book, and could use more height for her short legs, but she made it go just fine.

My project was made with inspiration from Mr. TellBlast (sometimes called Mr. GAIN) I'd had a bib pattern from nested chosen for a long time. At least four months. But what about the fabric? As we walked fruitlessly through (chain store that used to carry only fabric), him getting a headache due to lighting, me getting a headache from the lack of good choices, Mr. GAIN says, "What do you have for scraps? Maybe you could make a star or something in the center. Let's leave this place."

So we get home and I find a LOT of 2" squares in a drawer of my sewing desk. I have no recollection of cutting these. They're all gray. I pieced together a bib front, cut it; cut the bib back. The pocket still needs to be made. Decisions about the pocket will come later.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sometimes, we just aren't home

Today, we just weren't home. Almost like we're living in the car more than our house. Below is from the knights program that took most of our morning. These are straight out of the camera, no cropping, etc.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Get ready

Prepping for jelly making. elderberries -- 

Wild grapes, found by "I" of GAIN --

Jelly bag --


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The berries

The younger three kids and I have been plucking elderberries and wild grapes off their stems. Man, those suckers are tiny. I decided to make a jelly bag from an old sheet that was waiting for a project to present itself. Pictures to come after my oldest leaves her workstation. Yes, that means I am making jelly tomorrow.

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