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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Extending the hat

The godson's hat was lengthened this weekend -- the white, cream, and brown stripes at the bottom make an additional 3" of hat than what he had. It fits me now, so it should work for him. Extending his sister's hat is next.

The 'smelting' for Christmas gifts is progressing, but waiting for materials can be hard. "I" of GAIN will be using a few fabric scraps. "A" of GAIN has her 'up-cycling' materials and is waiting for me to take her shopping for supplies. The boys and I will be 'up-cycling' some things that people usually throw away. Upcycling trash coincides nicely with our usual Christmas gift-making. I can post those items after they've been given.

Since our Metro Waste Authority (MWA) class, we've been earnest in our efforts to "reduce."
Reducing is the biggest concern that MWA has. Reusing and recycling are nice, but there is honestly a limited amount of room in a landfill. We hope to visit the site next year when my youngest turns 9, the minimum age allowed. (Why? We don't know. Ames didn't have the age restriction ten years ago. Another why question: Why are there only two plants in America that turn their trash into fuel/electricity?)

If you have large single layer corrugated cardboard boxes, call me. I am in need.


Paper crafts

I haven't made German Stars for a while. My family has no history of decorating with them. but my friend Deb's family does. She showed me her stars one year, and told me that her German grandmother would dip the stars in wax. If you want to use wax, melt, then cool until a thin skin forms, then dip. The wax ought to harden right away. To add monofilament for hanging, glue a thread in the fold of a point. They are pretty in a bowl, with glitter glue painted on them, in different colors. I just like them.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Jesse Tree

Ah, I found it here in my archives. The Jesse Tree is more appropriate at this time of year compared to when I first posted. Maria, this could an idea for you for "the godson's" faith formation.

Since my local craft store is out of white quilling paper, I made two cream colored snowflakes and just ordered some more paper online. Dig this -- I didn't have to get my coat on and leave my house, the product will be delivered to my door, and I am spending less money for the same amount of product, including shipping. That doesn't seem possible.

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MItts in action

This afternoon, we tackled the Christmas lights. I like this weather.

Since Advent begins this weekend, I was hoping to find a picture of our Jesse tree to put up. Seeing how I cannot find a picture, I may have to draw one with "Paint" to share here. Seeing a family tree for Jesus is interesting. We do not use it every year, and I don't know why it's done only at Christmas because you can study Bible verses any time of year. Stay tuned.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

new to me

My prayer shawl (all scrunched up) and my non-white quilling.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Young Eagles

You may want to see my geocaching blog right now.


Friday, November 21, 2008


The latest project is under wraps. I cannot say more than, "I am experimenting and developing a gift."

On the semi-public front, our church re-started its prayer shawl ministry. I started a prayer shawl last night after having my hands blessed (and yarn and needles, too) with the group. I decided to use a foofy yarn. After hearing people's stories about wearing the shawls to chemo and back and forth to the doctor, I thought that comfort is nice, but style is nice, too. I'll get a photo up when I have more length on my project.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Quilling Update

I am almost finished! I have 19 snowflakes done. I will need to make about ten more - five for my kids and I, and five to allow for choices. Unless I make German/Moravian star ornaments that are all identical, I'd like to give the kids, one at a time or via their mothers, the chance to choose one out of a lot to keep.

I changed my quilling plans for the name I drew for Christmas. I just don't know that I have the patience for a big project. I already bought the paper, and have used some of it for the snowflakes, and that is OK since paper doesn't really go bad or expire. It's archival quality, so the colors should stay true. I will need to get more white quilling paper, though. The last batch of flakes took at least three strips of paper each. Using more paper frustrates me supply-wise, but pleases me product-wise. Good thing the paper is easy and cheap to get.
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Friday, November 14, 2008


While we were at the State Historical Museum this morning, "I" of GAIN had a nice talk with a group of weaving and spinning ladies. We were going through the "Mud" exhibit and the ladies had a break from lec-dem-ing the herds of school kids that day. They were surprised and pleased to know that Ella had a loom like theirs. They also had many examples and pictures to show.

The photo shows someone using a drop spindle. When she said that Ancient Egyptians had drop spindles, "N" of GAIN proceeded to recite all the historical cultures he could remember that also used a drop spindle.

We got to feel some exotic fibers like musk ox (extremely soft) and long hair rabbit (really warm and cuddly) before a group of school kids came through. We are going to build on this experience at home by hand spinning cotton and wool and comparing their strengths as spun and unspun.
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Monday, November 10, 2008


Here are our first cards in process. The finished product is pretty cute.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Crafting while it's dark

Yes, it is dark here without daylight savings time. The girls and I started making Christmas cards. I was invited to a Stampin' Up! party a while ago, and it really motivated me to stamp. I've always shied from stamping for many reasons, but it seems right to start now. With my $1.99 stamps from the "cheap" area of a big franchise store and a bunch of cardstock and embellishments that I already had for an embarrassingly long time, we've made enough cards to send to Matt's cousins and a few of my cousins.

We have a ways to go yet, but I found a handy cardboard shoe box that is just the right size for storing everything. I turned some index cards into file cards to separate the half finished cards from the completely finished cards. I was happy to see the girls turn up the creativity. I just put things in front of them, and next thing I knew, they were getting their own stashes out to use on the cards. I have a picture, just haven't moved it from the camera.
