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Thursday, October 30, 2008

More on Axel

Done with the left. Halfway through the right. The yarn substitution is good. I am seeing that having a set of size 10 double pointed needles might be good in the future, since I tend to knit looser than gauge. Because I am using a dark and a medium blue, you cannot really see the cabling in the photo. It is there, it looks nice. The nice feature of this particular set of gloves is the long fingertip portion -- you can fold it down for more exposure, or unfold it to keep your fingertips covered.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Leaf Fight

Who cares if it's cold outside? Unedited video --


Axel update

Axel seems to be good with my substitutions. Yay for no ripping out! Before I started Axel, I had tried Nagellack, a pattern sent to me from Berrocco Knits. Good concept, but it did not work for me. Much too large for anyone's wrist -- it was a gauntlet without ribbing. I cannot imagine wanting to wear gloves over the top of something. Too weird for us. But Axel is good. I'll get a pic up later.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Done, New

The 'dashing' gloves are finished. I am now attempting 'axel' fingerless mitts for my other son.

I am attempting to double strand a couple yarns and use larger needles. The yarn-- I am not very worried about. Both are blue, so the cables will show. The needles -- I am not sure. The gauge comes out right with I use size 11 rather than size 9 needles. We'll see. It looks like a quick knit, so if I need to rip it out, I won't feel like I lost too much time.

Side note: I feel odd because the boys are not full grown yet, but they are bigger than me. At least in the wrist department.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Face Paint

We're at Ledges, walking up a creekbed. Nothing new. Then I hear,

"Oooh! Look guys! Red face paint mud!"


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Honey and Mud

"A" of GAIN put her first honey harvest in jars this evening. It tastes great and she is very proud. Beekeeping has been a mostly positive experience, and we've gotten signs that others will start beekeeping now that she has knowledge and can serve as a mentoring resource.

"G" of GAIN has been asking for wattle for a month. Since we are currently studying the explorers (Columbus Day, you know), wattle and daub have not been topics of conversation. He must be remembering his free readings that started during his preschool days.

We've checked our willow sources and the trees just are not ready to give to him yet. When I cut down all the suckers from our apple tree a couple days ago, he used them to start a wattle and daub wall for his tree house. Today, he and "I" made the daub. It looks really good. Their clothes, not too bad.

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

quilling on my own, part 2

Just noting that blogger's photo rotation sucks, I've looked in their help area to no avail and want control over my own images again! I cannot find a way to contact blogger, so I don't know if I'll get to ask blogger people about this problem soon. I'll keep searching. Control over the rotation is that important to me.

I made one and a half quilled snowflakes tonight. I like quilling for the same reason that I like knitting. You do not need many supplies to get the job done. Just paper strips, the quilling tool, and a little glue. A little spot on a table and I'm all set. Sewing and scrapbooking are such space-hogging crafts.

I thought I would make hearts tonight, but in the process of manipulating one strip of paper, I ended up with a lopsided shape. I like asymmetry a lot, so I made all of the would-be hearts into this shape. I moved them together to get an idea of how the snowflake would look. I would need to alter the shape in order to get the strength I wanted (these will be ornaments for the Christmas tree). I puffed them out to look like this.

I really like this look. They make a nice shape altogether. I am waiting to see if inspiration strikes again later when I go to finish this flake.


Saturday, October 4, 2008


why is the picture turned? I do not know.

this is the fingerless glove mentioned earlier -- I've since finished the thumb and am on to the second fingerless glove. This is for my older son. It is definitely big on me, so it will fit him now and when he grows (again).

I changed the pattern of "dashing" a little for this project. For one, I have one skein of yarn, and am unsure how much yarn I'll end up using since it is not the same as used in the pattern. Two, I cannot get more yarn as the shop is out of state and the yarn came from the clearance area (of course). Also, two cable rounds is plenty! How long do you need your gloves to be? I thought "A" made really long gloves, and this pattern suggests about 3" longer than hers! I gotta draw the line somewhere. The shorter length will sacrifice the cool closing of the cable, but like I said, I gotta a draw a line.

"dashing" is certainly easier than his sister "fetching" -- no picot edging (you can't see it anyway), less cabling (not to mention that I have much smaller hands than the pattern and had to make two test runs before getting it right), but that is okay. they like things that are different from everyone else, but not overworked to craziness. guys don't want to be made fun of.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

We're in Iowa

This sign is how I know that we live in Iowa. While "A" of GAIN was playing a volleyball tournament in Boone, the younger three and I went pumpkin shopping and corn maze running at Aaron and Jordan's Pumpkin Patch. After we had run around for a while with the place to ourselves, three cars pulled in with pumpkin shoppers, followed by the trailer with a new load of pumpkins. I really liked the price -- $2/pumpkin. The gal was nice and took a check from me (I wasn't prepared for a drop box payment). I overheard her telling a gal that she could drop off her money tomorrow. Only in rural Iowa.

The kids ended up playing a minotaur game in the corn maze for quite a while. They really liked the signs, like this:


Off, On, and In

Off the sticks (for quite a while now) -- the super soft socks. still need to seam them, but can't figure out the best method.

On the sticks (for a while now) -- my version of 'dashing.' I think they will work well for men camping in the chilly months.

In the works -- a hand carved tray. My son gave me a birch log. After looking around Pottery Barn (dh Mr. GAIN always goes in there when we visit the mall) this last time, I will figure out if the true cost of labor equals the retail price.