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Friday, November 30, 2007

Sweater is finished

"Oh what a beautiful morning,
Oh what a beautiful day,
I've got a wonderful feeling,
Everything's going my way."

I finished the sweater. Just like the saying goes, I found dark yarn difficult to seam. The Homespun texture didn't bother my efforts much. My youngest tried on the sweater and says that it is warm. The raglan sleeves ensure the garment's fit for a couple years. They can be rolled up. Length can always be added on to the bodice. 26 more days until I gift it....

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Focus, focus

Almost done with the sweater made of Lion Brand Homespun. My challenge with this project is staying focused long enough to get something done. I got most of the hood knitted last night while watching Moulin Rouge. I sewed the sleeves on, but will I ever seam up the sides? The shoulder and hood seams were done with a three needle bind off. I love the three needle bind off because the finish is great and I don't have to work hard at finding a place to run my needle. With this sweater, the length of body and sleeve were measured with the tape measure, not by the number of rows I worked. So there is imprecision, therefore, no three needle bind off. And the length would prevent me from using needles. At least the needles I currently own.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Triangles are OK

Done! I got the placemats to look right, and I didn't have to call anyone for help. I am patting myself on the back. After thinking more about McCall's Crafts Pattern M4486, I decided to go with the standard scant 1/4" quilters seam allowance and voila -- it worked! The instructions tell me to use 1/2" seam allowances. I questioned it, but then thought about other patterns I have had. Many of them are for apparel, and most of them call of 1/2" seams. So I tried it and nothing I did worked out. Maybe that would be 1/4" + 1/4" = 1/2" ??? It doesn't make sense to me, but I have definitely found patterns with mistakes printed in them. A Butterick purse pattern stands out in my mind as needing correction.

Today, I spent a little time, very little, as there are only 16 pieces of fabric to cut, on what Mr. GAIN's family calls "smelting." The kids applauded my craftsmanship (N of GAIN's word choice) when I showed them the final results. My gift to my sister is now exactly one month late. Should I call it an early Christmas gift now?


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Triangles suck

On my second attempt at a placemat for my sister, I have failed (again). Triangles are my nemesis. I even tried using the Angler 2 tool. I will call in an expert for help (a church friend, Suzanne). I'm attempting McCall's Crafts M4486. One piece just does not match up the way I think it should, and I can't find any errata published online. I can't find any reviews online, not even one opinion, on this pattern. To be continued.....
