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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tiny sweaters

Here are the tiny sweaters. I used some scrap yarn with a pattern from HeartStrings Fiber Arts. I like the pattern because I work in the round -- no finish work! I tried the pattern from Last Minute Knitted Gifts, but I like the HeartStrings pattern better.

You can see my younger son in the background. He is wielding a bat, which is our modern version of a rug beater. And typical Iowa weather, wouldn't you know, we had a high of 91 degrees F today.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Fingerless Gloves

I have worn the fingerless gloves from my first post a few times. I have to say that with our Iowa weather (going back and forth between winter and spring), I like having a glove that doesn't say "winter." The fingerless glove is more "spring." I wore them to go geocaching for GC129QW last night. Happily, I didn't need to wear any outerwear garments today. Hooray for
sun and warm temps!

I did make a mini sweater, by the way. But not with the Debbie Bliss cashmerino yarn scrap. I used some old blue cotton Lion yarn. The solid color shows the raglan increases very well, more so than the Lion Magic Stripes. I'll get a photo up soon.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Crafty card

My oldest and I went to a friend's beautiful confirmation mass this evening. I thought I would use a ready-made card for her gift, but it didn't seem quite right. I liked the idea on the front of the card, though. Very colorful, and a fitting accompaniment to a flowering plant gift. Inspired by it, I made the card you see on the left. The store-bought card is on the right.

Each flower on my card has a fruit of the Holy Spirit in its center. (That Bible school song has been playing in my head since I made the first Spirograph flower....) It's mostly made of doodles. The centers of the flowers are circles that I punched with three different sizes of paper punch. I would have used the tiny spirograph if I could have found it. It must be hidden in a child's desk, because I remember seeing it on the dining room table very recently.

I am extremely proud of Erin for confirming her faith and felt privileged to witness the sacrament.

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Monday, April 23, 2007


Hey-o, everyone! This is the first entry to my crafty blog. I normally knit gifts, so I have very little knitwear for myself and immediate family. I made an exception these last two weeks.

I was buying another ball of yarn to finish a tank top for me (Janis, from knitty gritty). I thought I would have a relatively inexpensive, rockin' new top, but it may end up costing around $20 -- I may as well have bought a new top at a store. Oh wait, you can't find anything at a store like this. I knitted my own fabric! Isn't that cool? I always, always, out of habit, peer in the bargain basket of single skeins (doesn't matter what store I enter, I always look in the bargain bin). I found a skein of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino dk yarn for $1.50. I liked the color. I thought I would buy it and figure out a use for it later. This is rare for me. I usually buy things that are on my list. Impulse buys are very few.

Anyway, I searched for pattern that uses one skein of yarn. Tiny shrugs and cell phone cozies, hats and stuffed animals, etc. -- none tripped my trigger. Then I attended my older daughter's ball game. Senior league usually plays the late games. They begin at 7:45 p.m. So although the weather was pleasant during warm-up, I felt chilly by 7:45 and continued to feel colder as time passed. (The free, close-out pizza from the concession stand warmed me a little.) I remembered seeing a fingerless glove pattern at called fetching. It was for the yarn I bought, but in aran weight instead of dk. I thought I would go for it. I have nothing made of cashmere, why not gloves?

Here they are:Photo by Cole.

I cast on 40 stitches instead of 45 because the circumference of my wrists and hands are small. I probably could have gone smaller, because they have a lot of stretch in them. The thumb hole is large, too, but I was not going to spend brain cells working out a smaller thumb hole. And they work! Definitely warm, totally luxurious. I thought fingerless gloves were silly for a long, long time because I couldn't see myself needing any. Until the game last week. I can still dig in my purse, work a zipper, turn a knob in the car, etc. without removing my gloves! Revelation! I really like the color, because it is close to skin tone. I would not want a bright or dark "Hey, look at my fingerless gloves!" color. That would be too attention grabbing and over the top for me.

I liked making cables. I wish the picot edging laid and showed better on the finger edge. Maybe that would change with washing or blocking. I feel very smart because the gloves were a very quick knit, pretty darn cheap, and rather handsome. I finished with much more than the one yard noted in the pattern. So I still have really nice yarn in a small quantity. Maybe a little sweater or sock ornament will evolve from it.

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